Heart Foundation India
To develop and operate the general hospital
To understand special projects to study the problems of the prevention of various diseases.
To promote the objectives of the trust.
To establish or construct and maintain, run or support sanatoriums, convalescent homes, hospitals, dispensaries, maternity homes, clinics, prevention & rehabilitation centres, institutions for any cultural or moral activities, running institutions for promotion of general and moral upliftment of people or educational activities for the people.
To donate to public bodies or public charitable institutions having one or more objective similar to this trust.
To build a healthy society wherein citizens are aware of physical, mental, emotional, social, spiritual health; to promote healthy living practices, and create affordable community health services, promote incubation and researches in health sectors.

Work towards creating accessible, affordable, equitable health
services in association with local organizations; provide welfare
services to needy and poor people for health, education, and
community development.
To develop a research center or institute to organize research projects to eliminate diseases from society.
To train paramedical students like nurses and technicians of patients’ care and medical research.
To print and publish any newspaper, periodicals, books or leaflets, audio-visual aids.
To associate with institutions, societies, or having objects altogether in part or similar to those of this trust.
To organize seminars, conference talks, and other programs for the benefit of people at large.
To help the needy students with books, files, educational materials for promoting education of any forms, etc.
To extend educational help by way of scholarships, tuition fees, loans to poor and needy people.
To support or help physically challenged people for various activities by giving them monetary gifts.
To contribute to the maintenance or promotion of educational institutions in rural and urban areas by granting scholarships, contributions, etc.
Help or subscribe to the books, periodicals, magazines, and pamphlets and holding seminars, a conference for the advancement of any object of general public utility.